Friday, April 3, 2009


After a lot of thought, trying to describe the political landscape and warn people about the loss of their freedom, I figured that the best way to start is some sort of graphic that lays it all out - simply, or as simple as possible.

Here is my first attempt. Please feel free to criticise and put it to the test through commenting.

The next part, after perfecting the parameters, would be to define all the terms, which I have been attempting to do, before realizing that it may be too boring or wordy.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Facism or Socialism

Think about the definition of facism again.

Doesn't it have something to do with government controlling business and deciding what is or is not produced?

Freedom lets the citizen decide what s/he wants or needs.

Have you ever wondered why lawyers only learn case law and not constitutional law?

Why did Geithner flip from testifying to congress that he categorically was against a world currency but a day later when asked again said that a gradual "change" is okay.

Do you know how many prominent people want to get rid of our Constitution?

Why doesn't the press ever ask constitutionally related questions of our leaders?

Remember, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I just wonder why so many people support the Hitlers, Hugo Chavezes, Che Gueveras, etc.